March 21, 2017 KillerSaurus You have to frankly applaud anybody who tries to make a dinosaur movie on a budget of half a takeaway pizza and a couple of postage stamps. So the writer / director Steve Lawson – a familiar figure in the world of contemporary British horror thanks
March 16, 2017 The Dartmoor Killing One of the problems faced by British filmmakers – or more particularly English filmmakers – when making a horror movie is that, to be honest, it’s very difficult to think of anywhere… out of the way.
March 3, 2017 Monsters: Dark Continent Monsters: Dark Continent got a bit of a pasting when it was released; inevitable, really, considering that it was a sequel to a film which both critics and audiences had taken an unexpected shine to.
February 21, 2017 Fallen Soldiers Considering that the world and it’s dog (and even the dogs favorite stick) are bored to tears with Nazi zombie films, Fallen Soldiers does a neat trick by giving us, well… Napoleonic zombies
January 25, 2017 Darkest Day Darkest Day answers one of those burning questions that’s at the heart of so many horror films today: what could possibly be worse than a global apocalypse?
January 14, 2017 The Duke of Burgundy At some point in the mid 1970s, narrative became king in cinema. The lyrical, semi-improvised and let’s be quite honest self-indulgent European art cinema made way for more muscular, focused productions from the likes of Scorsese and Coppola.
December 5, 2016 Nazi Vengeance I would really like to give a positive review of Nazi Vengeance, after all it (a) doesn’t despite the title, feature yet more zombie nazies (zombezies), which is a good start and (b) it was filmed almost dead on my doorstep.