May 21, 2018 Sartana’s Here… Trade Your Pistols for a Coffin aka Vende la pistola y comprate la tumba (Es), Django arrive, préparez vos cerceuils (Fr), Django und Sabata – wie blutige Geier (WG), A…
August 14, 2017 The Greatest Robbery in the West aka La più grande rapina del West (It), Trois salopards… une poignée d’or (Fr), Ein Halleluja für Django (WG), Hallelujah for Django (US, unconfirmed)…
October 13, 2008 Sacred Heart Although the plot of Sacred Heart may not sound particularly promising, the film itself is rather involving, and the two hours running time, although overlong, passes pleasingly enough.
September 30, 2008 Wild Westerns, part 4 The porch scene ended and the group scattered. It was lunch-and-siesta time. The extras, stunt men, grips and workers had pasta, red wine and cheese…