November 26, 2012 Ruggero Deodato on shooting in the Philippines, part 2 Continuing with the article written by Ruggero Deodato for Nocturno magazine about his experiences working in the Philippines while making The Atlantis Interceptors?.
November 7, 2012 Ruggero Deodato on shooting in the Philippines Here’s an article translated from a recent-ish issue of Italian magazine Nocturno by Ruggero Deodato about his experiences working in the Philippines
April 18, 2012 Ruggero Deodato on Sergio Corbucci [Corbucci] called me for whatever reason… one day I he called me from Ischia, where he was on holiday…
March 16, 2012 Ruggero Deodato on Toto Sexy With Il figlio di Spartacus began the busiest and most intense period of my career as an assistant director…
February 15, 2012 Ruggero Deodato on Son of Spartacus Ruggero Deodato talks about the filming of Son of Spartacus (translated from Nocturno)
August 8, 2008 Nocturno #73 The new issue of Nocturno is imminent, and the dossier – which is the main bit nowadays – is a special on Ruggero Deodato….