October 31, 2011 Marco Masi After watching C’era una volta un gangster – an odd 1969 crime film starring Richard Harrison – I decided to do a little desk research into the director, one Marco Masi.
October 26, 2011 The Thieves, aka I ladri The Thieves is a 1959 vehicle for the hugely popular Italian comic Totò, which plays on the tenets of the American gangster genre in a very Italianesque fashion.
October 21, 2011 Latest news on Fantastikal Diabolikal Supermen OK, I’m pleased to announce that all the design, layout and proofing work for our first WildEye book, Fantastikal, Diabolikal, Supermen, has been finished!
October 19, 2011 Italian film locations: Il Castello di Balsorano Anyone who’s watched more than a handful of Italian genre films will be familiar with Il Castello di Balsorano.
October 18, 2011 Giorgio Simonelli Just finished watching two silly but moderately entertaining films with Franco & Ciccio: I due mafiosi (63) and I due mafiosi contro Al Capone (65)…
October 17, 2011 Interview with Carole André Here’s an italian language piece on the actress Carole Andre that appeared in La Stampa on the 16th October, primarily about her role in Sergio Sollima’s Sandokan
October 11, 2011 Brett Halsey: Art or Instinct in the Movies Just finished reading John B. Murray’s biography of Brett Halsey, Brett Halsey: Art or Instinct in the Movies, and thought I’d scribble down a few quick notes.