September 10, 2015 Citadel Another in the ‘tower block terror’ sub-strand of films (see also Tower Block, The Raid, Attack on the Block), an off-shoot of the ‘hoodie horror’ movies which seem primarily composed to work up writers for The Guardian into a state of apoplexy.
August 20, 2015 Elio Petri: The Teacher of Vigevano Petri’s next film was The Teacher of Vigevano (Il maestro di Vigevano,63), another intimate, black and white chamber-piece, which plays rather like a retread – albeit an even more pessimistic retread – of I giorni contato.
August 15, 2015 Richard McNamara Richard McNamara was another of the Americans – like John Kitzmiller – who came to Italy as an American soldier during World War 2 and stayed there, working in the burgeoning film industry
August 11, 2015 Heretic Heretic is the latest priest-sploitation film to cross my path, a no-budget 2012 release which generated a number of plaudits among genre aficionados when it played on the festival circuit and was released on DVD.
August 8, 2015 In Fear It’s one of the oldest ideas for a horror film there is: getting a couple of characters who have a less than perfect relationship, shutting them in a car in the middle of nowhere and then pitting them against a psychotic killer.
August 6, 2015 Your Sweet Body to Kill This has to be one of the funniest “Black Comedies” ever. It starts out with Georgio Ardisson trapped in an unhappy marriage to a controlling woman who makes fun of him and continually insults his “fish collecting” hobby.
July 29, 2015 Return of the Evil Dead Over the years, Armando De Ossorio’s ‘Blind Dead’ series, of which this was the second entry (following Tombs of the Blind Dead and preceding Night of the Seagulls and The Ghost Galleon) has developed a sizeable cult following.