August 15, 2015 Richard McNamara Richard McNamara was another of the Americans – like John Kitzmiller – who came to Italy as an American soldier during World War 2 and stayed there, working in the burgeoning film industry
September 15, 2014 Janine Hendy Janine Hendy was one of the more prominent black actresses to work in Italian cinema during the early 1960s. Perhaps her best known roles were in the two Taur films directed by Antonio Leonviola in 1963, Taur, il re della forza bruta and more particularly Thor and the Amazon Women, in which she played the antagonist to the titular hero Joe Robinson.
June 11, 2012 Who was… Bill Vanders Bill Vanders was one of the most prolific of the American actors who worked in Rome during the golden age of Italian exploitation cinema, yet almost nothing is known about him.
April 20, 2012 Who was… Frank Colson Here’s another in our list of American actors who ended up making films in Italy. Now, I’m guessing you’ve never heard of Frank Colson?
March 30, 2012 Peter Dane I’ve noticed the name Peter Dane crop up in a couple of Italian films that I’ve watched now, so it seems like a good opportunity to revive my ‘Americans in Cinecitta’ posts.
May 26, 2011 Daniel Jones Another in our on off guide to black actors in Italian cinema, this time it’s the turn of: Daniel Jones.
November 25, 2010 John Kitzmiller John Kitzmiller was one of the most prominent Afro-American actors to work in Italy during the post war period. Born in Michigan in 1913,…