Sonia Bennett was an actress who appeared in a number of porn films in the early eighties. She was popular enough to have her ‘own’ film, L’amica di Sonia in 1983, but disappeared from view a couple of years later. I don’t really know anything more about her, though…
There’s also an actress called Sônia Benetti, who appeared in Moinhos de Vento (a 1983 tv mini series). Same person?
- Attenti a quelle due… ninfomani (1981)
- Bocca golosa (1981) aka Greedy Mouth
- Carnalitá morbosa (1981)
- Ereditiere superporno, Le (1981)
- Goduria (1982)
- Labbra bagnate (1981)
- Porno investigatrici, Le (1981)
- Pornovideo (1981)
- Orgasmo esotico (1982) aka Orgasmo erotico
- Orgasmo non-stop (1982)
- Amica di Sonia, L’ (1983)
- Amante bisex, L’ (1984)