Carlo Gaddi was one of my favourite Italian character actors, a jaundiced looking fellow who turned up as a variety of hangdog cops, sleazy bandits, mafia henchmen and the like. Suffice to say, he wasn’t exactly someone who ever garavitated towards heroic roles. So, it was interesting to hear this bit of gossip about him on the Gente Di Respetto site:
Carlo Gaddi – who had a great face – was from Montefiascone and died some years ago. In his life – from what I’ve heard – he only acted in his spare time. His officail occupation was of an entirely different type, something you’d never imagine possible for someone who played the kinds of roles he did. Like his illustrious predecessor, the Marchese Onofrio del Grillo, Gaddi was a sediario pontificio, or, to be more precise, one of those responsible for arranging the transport of the pope on his portable throne
Thanks Matt. I was unaware of this bit of trivia plus the fact Carlo had passed away.