Amore che vieni amore che vai

amore che vieni amoreJust out in Italy: Amore che vieni amore che vai, directed by Daniele Constantini. This is an interesting sounding film inspired by the story ‘Un destino ridicolo’ by Fabrizio De Andre and Alessandro Gennari. It follows the life of three characters in Genoa in 1963: Bernard, an ex resistance fighter who has become a hotshot criminal bigwig in Marseilles, Carlo, a dreamy young dude who makes his money as a pimp and Salvatore, a Sardinian shepherd who has just been released from jail after serving a sentence for kidnapping. They all become involved in a plot to carry out a perfect crime….

From the sound of it, this is a kind of social realist film with some heist elements (although I suspect these are played down). Director Costantini has prevously worked with not entirely disimilar material in the 2005 film Fatti della banda della Magliana, the true story of a powerful gang between 1975 and 1991. I can’t see this one getting an international release, though, which is a shame.

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