Looks like Enzo Castellari’s first film in God knows how long, Caribbean Basterds, has been released in Italy. It appears to have come out on the 20th August, although just where it’s come out is difficult to tell.
The plot goes something like this:
Three young people – Roy, Linda and José – who become pirates because they end up involved in the drug traffic. Out of need and greed, they find themselves caught up in something much bigger than them. It all begins as a joke but gradually becomes a cruel and dangerous game all the way to the final catharsis. The three main characters, Roy, his sister Linda and her boyfriend José, start out as avengers but turn into merciless criminals in an endless series of holdups and brutal acts of violence. (from IMDB)
The Italian reviews are middling, with some critics – ie on mymovies – complaining about the fact that Castellari is essentially ripping off people who ripped off the 70s Italian films that he used to make, creating a kind of law of diminishing returns. The cast features loads of poeple you’ve never heard of and John Armstead, an American (?) who’s been popping up in Italian films such as Il caso Moro (86), Fatal Temptation (88) and The Legend of 1900 (98) for several years.
Here’s the trailer: