Just out in Italy is Stefano Incerti’s I complici del silenzio, an interesting sounding drama set in Argentina during the build up to the 1978 world cup.
Here’s the synopsis from Cineuropa:
Italian sports journalist Maurizio Gallo and his news photographer Ugo arrive in Buenos Aires to cover the 1978 Football World Cup. The sporting event, which is in the world’s spotlight, is an opportunity for Videla’s military junta to detract attention away from the very serious human rights violations that they continue to commit. These include the abrogation of constitutional rights, the suspension of political and association activities, the banning of trade unions and newspapers, the kidnapping of social-political activists and trade unionists as well as some guerrilla fighters, the use of torture as a systematic way of extracting information and the launch of the application of the mass disappearance method. Maurizio Gallo is also the bearer of an envelope containing some money for Ana, the former wife of an Argentinean expat living in Italy. When the two of them meet on the opening day of the World Cup, it’s love at first sight. But Ana is a secret member of a guerrilla group opposed to the dictatorship. Maurizio unintentionally becomes both an accomplice and instrument of the army and death squads who are trying to track down this woman and her comrades…
This had pretty good reviews, and the DVD comes with English subs, so could well be worth a look. Here’s the DVD info from Thrauma