A favour… now that the end is nearly in sight for the first WildEye book, my attention is already wandering onto what subjects I could possibly tackle next. And I’m thinking that it would be nice to do a Giorgio Ardisson special. However, there are still some elusive titles that I haven’t been able to track down. So, does anyone happen to have copies of any of these? Any language is fine…
La lunga sfida – directed by Nino Zanchin
El Zorro, aka Zorro the Fox – Guido Zurli
Una ragazza di Praga – Sergio Pastore
Guerre du pétrole n’aura pas lieu – Souheil Ben-Barka
Torcinaso – quando il sangue diventa bollente – Giancarlo Romitelli
Lo stallone – Tiziano Longo
Il Signor Ministro li pretese tutti e subito – Sergio Grieco
Il viziaccio – MArio Landi
Pin il monello – Sergio Pastore
Apocalisse di un terremoto – Sergio Pastore
La donna del mare – Sergio Pastore
I mercenari raccontano – Sergio Pastore
La tempesta – Giovanna Lenzi
Viaggio di nozze in giallo – Michelangelo JUrlaro
Shadow Warriors – Max Ferro
In fact, out of interest, have any Sergio Pastore films – with the exception of The Crimes of the Black Cat – ever surfaced anywhere? This guy’s work is obscure!
Furthermore, doesn anyone happen to have any Giorgio Ardisson artwork they could scan in and send over to me? I have a few bits and bobs, but could do with more…
Any help much appreciated…
Hi Matt,
Larry Anderson, a Canadian sword and sandal collector, has tons of material on Girgio Ardisson and interviewed him in 1983. If you want you can let me know and I will put you in touch with him or him in touch with you.
Tom Betts
Cheers Tom, I think I have Larry’s email, I’ll get in touch with him!
There’s an old Scandanavian vhs of EL ZORRO – THE FOX,widescreen and English language.
Regarding the mysterious Pastore,IL MERCENARI RACCONTANO was shown on one of the regional tv stations in Italy a few years back as was APPOCALISSE DI UN TERREMOTO.Check out the great trailer for this one on Youtube.
Thanks Stephen, I think that’s the one I used to have… the dvd-r died! I’ll try to dig out another copy from somewhere, slightly surprised it wasn’t up on CMG. Pastore is a very curious chap, his films make Amasi Damiani’s look like global phenomena by comparison!
Hi: I collect on Georgio Ardisson and met him in 1983. I have a lot of info on him that I would be glad to share. Ask away. I’d be interested in trading DVDs as well. Larry Anderson, near Toronto, Canada.
I am trying to find a Lang Jeffries movie called LOTUS BLOSSUM FOR MISS QUON. It was shown in English on TV but I missed seeing it. I read the novel it is based on and have dozens of stills and several posters but can’t find a DVD of it. I think there is a French version out as Coup De Gong a Hong Kong and there might also be an Italian version out as Trappola per 4. If anyone has it in any language, please contact me. Larry Anderson. If you need stills for this title I can tell you where to find them.