A bunch of new DVDs have been released in the last week or so…
From Italy, there’s
I guappi. This is Pasquale Squitieri’s 1974 crime film, with Claudia Cardinale, Franco Nero and Fabio Testi. It’s a while since I saw this, but remember it being a decent, stately work. It’s out on Minerva Video, has English language options and includes and interview with the director. It’s available for about €13
Il papa di Giovanna is another Pupi Avati film… Pupi churns ’em out at a rate of knots, but most of them are released without any kind of English options. This one does have English subtitles, as well as familiar faces like Serena Grandi in the cast… but I’d rather have seen The Hideout come out with english subs instead… Anyway, if you fancy it the cost is about €15
From Germany, we have:
Un dollaro bucato. This was the film that made Giuliano Gemma into a western star, and this version – from the German label ‘New’ – looks to be a decent quality print and complete with English audio. This has previously been available on Japanese DVD, but this looks like it could be a better option. Includes an interview with Gemma.
And from the US
Assassinio al cimitero Etrusco. A lesser, later Sergio Martino giallo, this has previously been rather elusive, so despite it not being a particularly good film, it’s at least nice to see this being released. As it’s a US release, it’s English friendly, of course!
And Grindhouse have also released Cat in the Brain, with oodles of extras, although I’m not sure about the quality
According to reviews, ‘Cat in the Brain’ has as good a print and audio (Italian w/subs and English) as you can expect and the extra features as superb – lengthy interviews with Fulci from 1995/6 as well as interview with Brett Halsey (who isn’t in this film, but did star in Fulci’s ‘Demonia’ (1990) and several Euro-cult titles. The film is questionably enjoyable, but the extras should make this set worth picking up for Fulci fans.