At last, a new Elio Petri film on DVD with English subs! It’s La classe operaia va in paradiso, a typically hysterical early seventies drama starring Gian Maria Volonte as a factory worker who’s going gradually mad. I saw this one at a Petri retrospective some years back, and it’s a lot more entertaining than it sounds (although more of a grind than his more accessible, mid 60s works. It comes from the Minerva Classics label, who normally do a decent job, and features a handful of extras. Here’s the link to Videociak
Volonte also pops up in Francesco Rosi’s Uomini contro, which has also been released by Minerva. This is one of Rosi’s lesser known films, a war film about a mutiny amongst Italian troops in the First World War, and was co-written with Tonino Guerra. It also has English subs, and includes an interview with Rosi among other stuff.
Both of them clock in at about €14, which I still have problems thinking of as being about £13 rather than about £9, now that’s sterling has been bled dry by the city.