Pasquale Scimeca’s 2000 film Placido Rizzotto has been released on Italian DVDs with English subs. There’s a review here on Variety, to quote the opening:
While dramas about the scourge of the Cosa Nostra on Sicily and its people have long been a staple of Italian cinema, Pasquale Scimeca’s “Placido Rizzotto” is more than a cut above most in its depiction of the tragic martyrdom of a minor folk hero. Impressively rigorous, affecting and surprisingly suspenseful given that its outcome is dolefully obvious from the start, this unconventionally calibrated, fascinating true story will make compelling viewing at festivals — starting with Venice and Toronto — and may score some specialized commercial bookings through enterprising distribs.
Looks like a decent film in the Lizzani / Rosi tradition (as so much of the new wave of Italian crime cinema seems to be). Anyways, DVD info is up on Videociak