For some time, the identity of Tony Norton, who appeared in a handful of spaghetti westerns and crime films, has been a mystery. Was it Alfio Caltabiano using a pseudonym? No, although Caltabiano used the pseudonym Al Northon and the two of them seem to have become mixed up. Or was it the English actor Tony Norton, who appeared in Crossroads? It seems unlikely.
Well, a throwaway comment on the gente Di Rispetto forums has suggested that ‘Tony Norton’ was actually a pseudonym for actor Antonio Monselesan. Here he is in the middle – recognise those eyebrows!
I posted that comment on “Gente di Rispetto” forum… and I can confirm that it was all true, Antonio Monselesan is the real name of Tony Norton, and by now he’s a boxing coach in Tuscany.
Thanks Renato. His identity has been a mystery for ages… he was often confused with an English actor called Tony Norton who appeared in a dreadful soap opera over here years and years ago!
Antonio Monselesan (aka Tony Norton) died on February 25, 2015 in Lucca, Tuscany, Italy.