Any other UK people out there happen to watch Zen on Sunday night? It was the first in a series of BBC adaptations of Micheal Dibdin’s Aurelio Zen crime novels, filmed in Italy, albeit with a largely British cast headed by Rupert Sewell. It was pretty decent, actually, involving enough and shot with an interesting, sepia tone and stylish sense of art direction which harked back to Italian films of the seventies; intentionally, I would guess. The music, too, was very much in the mode of Morricone or Nicolai (it sounded remarkably like something that would have been composed by Mono, who had a hit a few years back with a single called Life in Mono). There were also a couple of Italian faces in there as well: Catherine Spaak (one of the most gorgeous and talented of Italian starlets of the 60s) played the protagonist’s mum (?!?!)
Rupert????? you mean Rufus you doofus….