Found an interesting story (from 2003) in the Manchester Evening News about Paul Wynter, the former Mr. Universe who appeared in Mole Men vs. the Son of Hercules and Atlas in the Land of the Cyclops:
WHEN a knife-wielding intruder broke into a pensioner’s home he got more than he bargained for.
Because the pensioner is a former Mr Universe who took on the mentally ill knifeman to protect his wife, despite suffering horrific injuries.
Police were so impressed with the efforts of world-beating body-builder Paul Wynter, 68, that they decided to commend him for bravery. But Mr Wynter yesterday boycotted the award ceremony in protest after his attacker escaped a jail sentence.
He said today: “It is my way of showing my disgust at the way this was all handled by the justice system. This man tried his best to kill us and has walked away virtually scot-free. The world’s gone mad.”
A neighbour attacked Paul and his wife, Mary, at their home in New Moston, Manchester, for no apparent reason. Paul tried to defend himself with a wooden brush and an iron garden chair, but his attacker smashed a rice flail over his head and stabbed him in the chest, puncturing a lung.
Paul said: “I still work out and the doctors said that had I been built like most people of my age I would probably have died. The muscle stopped the knife from entering further than it did and that’s why I am still here.”
Mary recalled: “I was on the telephone screaming for the police when he moved on to me, hitting me in the body with the flail. We had four big alsatians but he was afraid of nothing. He didn’t blink and kept on coming.”
Pc Danny Hurst, the first officer on the scene in response to the 999 call, ran into the garden and rugby tackled the man before pinning him to the ground until help arrived.
“He saved our lives”, said Mary, 66, a care home manageress. “Paul was unconscious, bleeding badly and unable to defend himself further and I would have had no chance. I can’t praise the officer enough. He had the courage of a lion.”
Their attacker pleaded guilty to wounding and assault at Manchester Crown Court. He claimed he had no recollection of the incident and was placed on probation for two years with a stipulation he has treatment.
It is understood he is currently undergoing treatment as a voluntary patient.
But Paul insisted: “The man tried to kill us. Whatever his problems, he is a danger and should have been placed somewhere secure.”
Yesterday Paul – Mr Universe in the late 1950s and 60s – refused to be involved in the ceremony, but Mary brought home his award.