Who the hell was… Robert Malcolm

Was watching The Three Fantastic Supermen in the Orient the other night, and it’s pretty rubbish.  But… the main fantastic superman is played by one Robert Malcolm.  Now I’ve come across this guy before in Piero Regnoli’s even more rubbish And the Smelled the Strange Exciting  Scent of Dollars (or whatever it’s called in English), and it looked like he made one other film in 1973, Pietro Francisci’s rather more high profile Simbad e il califfo di Bagdad.

But who the hell was he?  There was an American actor called Robert Malcolm, but it can’t be the same person as he was acting in the 1940s, whereas our Robert Malcom can’t have been more than 30-35 when he was in these films.  He’s also assumed to be Antonio Monselesan (who’s also known as Tony Norton) in the IMDB listing for And the Smelled, but that can’t be right as the two men really don’t look anything alike (and a recent Nocturno interview with Monselesan makes no mention of these films).  There’s a Robby Weaver (aka Robert Malcolm Weaver), an ex- American child actor who was about the right age, possibly a bit young, but there seems to be no other connection.  And, err, there’s a Roberto Malcom who would appear to be some kind of Italian porn star.  Was he, like Charles Southwood, an American who just happened to drift into the Italian film industry?  Or was he an Italian actor who we all know under a different name.

It’s a mystery!

Robert Malcolm in They Smelled the Strange Exciting Scent of Dollars
Robert Malcolm in They Smelled the Strange Exciting Scent of Dollars
Robert Malcolm in Simbad e il califfo di Bagdad
Robert Malcolm in Simbad e il califfo di Bagdad


  1. Robert Malcolm of Sinbad is Robert Malcolm Ross. He is a friend of ours, but we have lost touch. He contributed to a few spaghetti westerns in the 1970s. Later, he worked in deep sea treasure recovery. If you know where he is, we would like to wish him well. He should be in his mid 70 s now.

    1. Robert is alive and well, living on a yacht in the Chesapeake Bay with me, his main squeeze. I was able to find all three of these movies and we have enjoyed showing them to friends. He is healthy, handsome as ever, and happy.

      1. My sister Janet and I met Robert and Barbara in 2012 in Chesapeake City. We were on a little vacation and Robert and Barbara were docking their yacht for the evening. They began to talk to us and we found them to be lovely people and I too can vouch for the movies, because we were shown parts of each one. What a fun time we had with them. We have bee back to Chesapeake City one other time and hoped to run into them again, but no such luck. We plan to go again this year in Sept. but we will always treasure the trip we got to meet those lovely people.


  2. Bob Ross is my father. He was married to my mother,Juanita. I have not seen him for years would love to see him again

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