Director: Richard [Ricardo] Blasco
Original release date: 12/12/1961
International release details: Italy – Armi contro la legge (09.11.62); France – Opération dans l’ombre (05.08.64 – 90′); Germany – Sie pokern mit Pistolen (25.10.63 – 91′)
Spain / Italy
A Hispamer Films (Madrid), Italia Produzione Film / A.R.T.E.C. (Produzioni Cinematografiche Artec) Film.
Story: Jaime Jimeno Conejo, Agustín Valdivieso de Ceballos
Screenplay: Ricardo Blasco, Daniel Ribera
Editor: Mario Pacheco
Music: José Pagán, Antonio Ramírez Ángel
editor: José Antonio Rojo
Cast: Renato Baldini, Alfredo Mayo, Moira Orfei, Manuel Zarzo, Elena María Tejeiro, Mara Berni, Antonio Garisa, María Luisa Merlo, Ricardo Valle, Fernando Montes, Ángel Álvarez, Jesús Aristu, Agustín González, Santiago Rivero
Plot: Marini, a gangster, is expelled from the United States, but is soon planning to rob a jewellery store on the Gran Via di Madrid. He joins forces with a couple of petty thieves and a student, but despite his careful ppreperation, not everything goes to plan.
Notes: Here’s an obscure one, a primarily Spanish film with a couple of Italian stars; as such, I guess it serves as an early example of the Italo-Spanish collaboration that would prove so fruitful with the Spaghetti westerns. I can’t find any reviews of this anywhere…